MACHINING & SLEEVING. As well as New Parts for P6’s we also refurbish calipers and brake servos. Rear calipers have the hydraulic cylinder machined out and sleeved with stainless steel and this also applies to brake servo valve bodies. Calipers and servos are then rebuilt with all new seals and gaskets which are made especially for us. The machining and sleeving service is also extended to some other cylinders including wheel cylinders for Morris 8, so get in touch if you have any questions.
CHROMING. We have the facility to re-chrome most items for example , bumpers, number plate plinths, overriders, fuel filler caps, wheel nuts, radiator cowls, rocker cover dome nuts, pretty much anything, .
However more interesting items have included a guitar finger board, bonnet mascot, Morris 8 windscreen surround and also a 1904 Rover Bicycle. The Rover bicycle was satin matt nickel plate just like it would have been in 1904 and the items done included the seat bar, handle bar, brake mechanism, wheel hubs and rims and a large number of very small nuts and bolts.